Friday 25 February 2011

What parents can do to limit watching television

What parents can do to limit watching television
Psychological studies have been repeatedly emphasizing on the influence of parents on the child’s developing values. It is, therefore, very important for adults to modify their recreational habits to best suit the needs of their children.
Balance television and video watching with other activities by planning a routine such as the following:
Ensure to keep the television off during meal times
Interact more often with your kids
Read out fables and stories to your children so that they spend minimum time in front of the television
Never use television as a reward or punishment or your children can misuse or manipulate you on those grounds.
Encourage and accompany your children and family to outdoor sport activities
Never use television as an alternative solution to rely upon when there is nothing else to do
Ensure that the television is placed at a common sitting room and neither in your children’s or your bedroom
Encourage entertaining and educational shows
Limit late night television
Television offers lots of benefits too as it brings a family together by shared views and thoughts. Moreover, it also offers a wide variety of cultural experiences to us. However, too much of anything is harmful for the mind and the body.
Steal the benefits of educational shows and entertainment keeping in mind that you do not over strain yourself. Never make television the only or the last option to do anything.
Since, television is usually watched more by children than the adults, it is important to break the habit. As television viewing affects children more than adults. Fit and healthy lifestyle should be the first priority for you and your children. Encourage your children to do more physical activity to stay away from obesity. One must discourage unhealthy eating habits. As far as possible, don’t feed your children colas and fast foods frequently. Children usually follow their adults. So, it is very important to inculcate these healthy habits in yourself. This will help not only in maintaining your child’s health but also your health. Too much television viewing can harm you too. So shut the television and pick up a good book instead. You can develop a hobby too. Or indulge in some kind of community and productive work during your leisure hours. This will surely improve your personality and character.
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